Portuguese Learning English
Lesson 1 – Making Friends
6 Topics
6 Reviews
Lesson 1, Section 1: Saying “Hello”
Lesson 1, Section 1: Review
Lesson 1, Section 2: Introductions
Lesson 1, Section 2: Review
Lesson 1, Section 3: Saying “Good Bye”
Lesson 1, Section 3: Review
Lesson 1, Section 4: Vocabulary – Prepositions
Lesson 1, Section 4: Review
Lesson 1, Section 5: Grammar – Contractions
Lesson 1, Section 5: Review
Lesson 1, Section 5: Audio Review
Lesson 1: Quiz
Lesson 2 – Feelings
5 Topics
5 Reviews
Lesson 2, Section 1: How are you?
Lesson 2, Section 1: Review
Lesson 2, Section 2: Time of Day Greetings and Goodbyes
Lesson 2, Section 2: Review
Lesson 2, Section 3: Gratitude
Lesson 2, Section 3: Review
Lesson 2, Section 4: Vocabulary – Emotions
Lesson 2, Section 4: Review
Lesson 2, Section 5: Audio Review
Lesson 2: Quiz
Lesson 3 – Hobbies
6 Topics
6 Reviews
Lesson 3, Section 1: What do you like to do?
Lesson 3, Section 1: Review
Lesson 3, Section 2: Verb Chart
Lesson 3, Section 2: Review
Lesson 3, Section 3: Verb “to like”
Lesson 3, Section 3: Review
Lesson 3, Section 4: Action Words
Lesson 3, Section 4: Review
Lesson 3, Section 5: Verb “to do”
Lesson 3, Section 5: Review
Lesson 3, Section 6: Audio Review
Lesson 3: Quiz
Lesson 4 – The ABC’s
9 Topics
1 Quiz
Lesson 4, Section 1: Let’s Practice!
A – C
D – F
H – J
K – M
M – P
Q – S
T – V
W – Z
Lesson 4 Review
Lesson 5 – Body Parts (Part 1)
2 Topics
1 Quiz
Lesson 5, Section 1: Vocabulary
Lesson 5, Section 2: Let’s Practice!
Lesson 5 Review
Lesson 6 – Talking on the Phone
5 Topics
5 Reviews
Lesson 6, Section 1: Vocabulary
Lesson 6, Section 1: Review
Lesson 6, Section 2: Important Phrases
Lesson 6, Section 2: Review
Lesson 6, Section 3: Making Phone Calls
Lesson 6, Section 3: Review
Lesson 6, Section 4: Grammar – Contractions
Lesson 6, Section 4: Review
Lesson 6, Section 5: Audio Review
Lesson 6: Quiz
Quiz 2
Lesson 2, Section 2: Review
Portuguese Learning English
Lesson 2 – Feelings
Lesson 2, Section 2: Time of Day Greetings and Goodbyes
Lesson 2, Section 2: Review
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